Say What You Want About American Idol

The "Because of You" video brings me to tears. It's a song I've heard on the radio many times. There is no doubt it is a brilliant song. But tonight I stumbled across the video and its effect on me surprised me so much. The video really adds to a song that I thought needed no visual--sort of like reading a good book, then going to see the movie adaptation and it's never as good as the book. No. This video strengthens an already powerful song.
The lyrics evoke in your mind's eye a series of painful images. You know you're facing what is sure to be a tough few minutes. But in the video Clarkson breathes life into that image, and not in an overly dramatic way; she just sings the song and it makes you want to openly weep for her. Clarkson is not just sad, she in anguish; she feels every syllable of the story and the emotion in her face and her voice breaks your heart. Around these images of her are several actors and directors that again, do not detract from the song with overtures; just simply illuminate the story.
So, if you haven't heard the song, click on the link then listen with your eyes closed. Then listen again and watch the video. So painful. Clarkson delivers the most genuine performance I have ever seen in a pop video.
Kelly Clarkson