Inspired by a good friend who wants to feel like she matters. You do, girl. You do.

Monday, August 23, 2004


Do you think they would show as much beach volleyball if the women were wearing t-shirts instead of bikinis? I really could care less what they wear, but it strikes me as odd that coverage of the decathlon was about four minutes long yet there is wall-to-wall coverage of women's beach volleyball. Sure the Americans are favorites so one could point to that. But several publications recently point to the decline in TV ratings among the 18-34 male TV viewer. That group would prefer to watch cable or use the computer than watch broadcast TV. So do you think that the abundance of volleyball coverage has to do with trying to grab that particular TV demographic?


Blogger Elizabeth said...

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8:43 PM

Blogger Elizabeth said...

What's so great about the 18-34 male demographic, anyway? It seems like they're always talking about trying to attract that group.

8:43 PM

Blogger Elizabeth said...

What's so great about the 18-34 male demographic, anyway? It seems like they're always talking about trying to attract that group.

8:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's so great about the 18-34 male demographic, anyway? It seems like they're always talking about trying to attract that group.

8:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely not. Nothing at all to do with the outfits. It's riveting stuff. Fascinating. I'm glued to the tv the whole time. I even have a fridge next to the couch and pee in a bucket, it's that good. Honest.

4:35 PM


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