Inspired by a good friend who wants to feel like she matters. You do, girl. You do.

Monday, September 20, 2004

A Week Later

I just realized that I haven't written in a week. What happened this week?

I had a busy week trying to make some new friends in our new neighborhood. I even played Bunco for the first time. Totally fun and a much needed night out for mom! I've also been determined to find out how to put links on this here it goes.

We went to the pool this weekend although the weather has been cooler as of late. Keep in mind that I have probably been living in Florida too long when I think that 90 degrees is cool! (My husband and I walked out the door and said, WOW how beautiful it is outside today! We should throw open the windows and turn off the a.c.! So we did. Yet, on the news later that day the weather man reported that the temperature was 92 degrees!)

I really have a false sense of temperature living here. I just don't go outside in the summer between 10am and 4pm. It's just too hot. So after a while I fool myself into thinking that it's really not that hot here in the summer. But it's much like Northern Virginia (where I grew up). It's so humid in the summer in D.C. especially in August. Most people go from their air conditioned house to their air conditioned car to their air conditioned place of work and then reverse at the end of the day. Or, they go to Nova Scotia. I recommend Rose Bay.

It's been ten years since I've visited N.S.

I know that much has changed in those years and it pains me to think of all of the relatives that have passed. Many childhood memories are wrapped up in that place. I just feel lucky to have those memories.

I read about the oldest woman living in the USA this week. (Verona Johnston is 114). She says "You can get too old to enjoy life...I never got that old." To have seen all that she has seen and to be so vibrant (especially mentally) at her age is rather inspiring. If I live to be 114 the year will be 2091 and if my oldest daughter lives to be 114 the year will be 2116. Yikes! When you look at it that way, doesn't it amaze you even more? Verona cites electricity as "the most important thing that happened to us." What is the most important thing that will happen in the next 114 years?

The final question of this post is: if you could pick to live your life in any point in history when and where would you live? I think America in the 20's, 30's, and 40's. More on that later...


Blogger KJ said...

Idea about the most important invention--something in the healthcare field.

10:49 PM


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