Halloween Spirit
I played my second round of Bunco tonight. It was a Halloween theme and most everyone was dressed up. (I was not.) My husband and I have toyed with the idea of being a priest and a nun for Halloween but we haven’t looked for costumes. Truthfully, it didn’t feel like Halloween, or even October, until tonight. The Bunco host had her house decked out. She had a fog machine, spider webs--- the works. It was neat. I also won a prize. I got the lowest score! So, it was the booby prize but hey, it was still a prize—five dollars!
One year for Halloween I was trash. My mom saved frozen food packages and I taped them to a large trash bag. That was my last dress-up Halloween. This year I carved my first pumpkin as a home owner. It felt good. He has three teeth and eyebrows!
I hope some kids trick-or-treat this year…most people now go to their church, a mall, or a retirement home. I miss the door-to-door “ding dong”, avoiding that one house that looks haunted all year long, and maxing out at the house with the big bowl of candy on the porch because the owners are out partying.
My daughter is going to be a gymnast this year. We got her a leotard and we’re going to put her hair up and sprinkle it with glitter. Plus, we'll attach a number to the back. We need to find her a gold medal and some chalk for her hands. It was her idea, so it’s more special I think. Last year she was a movie star. (My idea) She had a frilly pink dress that she had no occasion to wear at any other time so I decided that we’d make use of it! We got her a feather boa and she wore some sun glasses and beads. She looked cute.
I’d like to do a haunted house one year. We put together a haunted dorm when I was in college and it was always great fun. Of course, most of the campus thought we were freaky anyway, so it wasn’t a stretch. You have to really go over the top though…there is no half-way with a haunted house. Still, it’s a goal of mine. If you have any haunted house stories I’d love to hear them.
The gymnast idea is adorable!
The Hacker House (in North Carolina) website says to try www.scaryguys.com for ideas about making a haunted house.
1:01 AM
We went to a Halloween Party tonight with members of our playgroup. The gymnast costume was a big hit; Natalie even won a prize for it! I added small bits of white tape to each finger and ace bandages to her legs (wraped loosly). She looked cute and had a blast.
Thanks for the website, Elizabeth. I'll check it out.
8:47 PM
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