Inspired by a good friend who wants to feel like she matters. You do, girl. You do.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Past Month

It's been ages since I last entered anything on my blog. It's been a crazy month filled with illness and visits from relatives and a bit of traveling out of town, too.

We went to New Orleans and had a fantastic time. I saw an old friend from high school and she toured us all around. We rode the street car, visited the Zoo and the Aquarium, strolled through the French Quarter, and I dragged her to the Superdome to see a football game. She plays a mean game of Scrabble, too. Love that game!

My folks came in for a visit and I took them to the Jacksonville Agricultural Fair. My oldest daughter, who is two and a half, rode a camel and many of the kiddie rides. She really liked the roosters (cook-a-doodle-do) and the ferris wheel. I think being up high in the air and seeing Nana below was her favorite part. She always talks about going to the moon, flying, having wings, and "needing a tall ladder", so this was right up her ally.

Thanksgiving is coming up soon. I hope my next post will be what I am thankful for most this year. Every year I am thankful for my health. This year I am thankful for many other things, too, so I want to make it a seperate post.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Could this be a future Blue Angel in the making?
Good idea about the Thanksgiving post. Mind if I borrow that idea for my own blog?

10:23 AM

Blogger KJ said...

Blog away!

7:57 PM

Blogger KJ said...

To be clear...that was a yes!

9:20 PM


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