Inspired by a good friend who wants to feel like she matters. You do, girl. You do.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

It's "Sounds like a Plan" ...Right?

I never did get to that list of things to be thankful for…so…I think I’ll get a jump on my New Year’s resolutions!

1. No more procrastinating.
2. Get fit.
3. Be a better friend.
4. Give more time and money to those less fortunate.
5. Develop better communication skills.
6. Create short and long term goals. Commit them to writing.

If I achieve goal one, all the other goals will fall into place. I think achievement is mostly about disciplining myself to get the work done. I am a reliable person. I am dependable. I tend, however, to be more responsible when someone else depends on me...but what about when I depend on me?

The blog is "sounds like a plan," right? It's time to commit to the plan. I want to stay flexible, of course, not kill myself with perfectionism, but at the same time I can no longer afford to just live day to day.

Time is the most important thing I have. I am grateful for time. I don't want to waste it.


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