Inspired by a good friend who wants to feel like she matters. You do, girl. You do.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Marines Scaling Back Relief Efforts

What is the justification for attacking relief workers? How corrupt is your government if you won't allow people to help those who need help in the most desperate way?

I heard on the news tonight that all aid workers are being told to stay in the two major cities in Sumatra for fear that radicals will attack them as they try to aid survivors of the Indian Ocean disaster. The USS Lincoln is now in international waters and there will be fewer marines dispatched for relief efforts.

It seems to me that people all over the world want to give and want to help but there is so much red tape and corruption I wonder if the goodwill of the world will ever reach those who really need it.

Indonesia reasserts control over aid
Indonesia orders troops out by end of March


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welome back Leeno. How are N and C? Do they like ovaltine now too?

I know you've travelled alot -sometimes on my dime :)- but I can't remeber if you've ever been to the third world. Things can be different there for reasons both complex and simple. Here's an interesting site I've been reading since the tsunami with some first hand reporting from a US diplomat who was working in one of the countries affected (not sure if it was Sri lanka or Thailand)
The Diplomadkpd (jr)

2:45 AM

Blogger KJ said...

Hi Diplomad-

I would never pretend to have been the places you’ve been but, hey, join the navy, see the world, right? I AM in your debt however, and I intend to pay you back (even if it is only a dime at a time) just to stop hearing you give me a hard time about that!! =)

BTW, N tried Ovaltine but with soy milk and it wasn’t a hit. C likes it, but she has no choice!

More comments after I read the link you sent. Thanks!


11:37 PM


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