Going Home Again
I took a very long trip to see some very old friends this weekend. It is my 10 year high school reunion and I am not quite sure how I feel about it at the moment.
I was really excited about the opportunity to get away for a while and I was treating the reunion like a vacation. I thought about the days I would have to myself to just hang out and have good conversation. The actual reunion isn't until tonight, but I want to capture how I feel now because later tonight after the main event is over, I'm not sure I will feel the same way.
So far, I have met up with three of my oldest friends and two other good friends from high school and one other friend that I wasn't terribly close with but he was friends with just about everyone and so darn nice, it was great to see him too. As expected, all of our lives have scattered in so many different directions...two, Jody and Polly, have stayed in Arlington and Sarah now lives in New Orleans, Robyn in Australia, Matt W. in Kentucky, and Matt S. lived in NYC for four years and is now moving to Seattle. I, of course, live in Florida. See, I told you were were far flug!
We spent the day seeing The Wedding Crashers, a movie I would have never chosen to see on my own but was actually really really funny. Sarah is in the movie business now and worked with some of the people who made that movie so that was the motivation to go. We then went out for Thai food at a nice restaurant at the Courthouse plaza which is very upscale compared to when we were high school kids. I had the best veggie spring rolls and number 73, but I couldn't tell you what it was!
We then came back to my house and chatted it up until about 1 am. We're not as young as we used to be and started to fade like little old men and little old ladies.
I just got a call from another old old friend and we're meeting up for breakfast. I didn't get to do much reflecting as I wanted but I've got some of the basic information down at least. I'm off to eat pancakes now and play some mini-golf.
M&D said you were going up to Arlington. Glad to see you had a good time. Is this the first time you've been away from C? and the longest you've been away from N. How did they take it?
Saw the same movie when I was in SD, and thought it was pretty good too. Tell Mike J that his city is still great. Pricey, but great. I guess he did not go up with you.
Coming to HI for Xmas?
Kenny Kaneohe
1:19 PM
Yes, this was my first overnight time away from my babybabybaby, but she didn't forget me, unlike my first born who didn't even recognize me after I returned from NY in 2003.
singing... San Diego super chargers!!
Yes I went alone to Arlington. Miguel stayed home with job related stuff.
I thought you were moving to Guam???
2:10 PM
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