Inspired by a good friend who wants to feel like she matters. You do, girl. You do.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sergeant Safari's Wilderness Survival Quiz

Take the Quiz.

Leave your score in the comments!

After the story broke about the family that was lost for 17 days in the Oregon woods I was inspired to test my survival knowledge. After I scored a disastrous 50%, Sergeant Safari reminded me that I have never been to Oregon and that I shouldn't be making any plans to go anytime least not without my RV.

Enjoy the quiz.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Saturday Night Quote

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

Car G Jung

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Most Depressing Thought of the Month

Yeah, I know.

It's only March first.

I figure this will last all month.
Lord, help me if any thoughts more depressing than this come my way.


I saw my former folk group leader at church tonight. I haven't seen Jim in at least five years, probably more; I haven't sung with that group since 1995.

Jim was sitting behind us in church so he noticed us first.

He was trying to "place me" ...then he recognized my Mom.
After communion, he finally recognized me and my mom, and I him.
Then, after an exchanging a hearty: hello/howya doing/haven't seen you in ages
Jim revealed to me that as he was trying to place me he thought:

"Maybe that's her sister?"

While this is the best news ever for my mom....

HOLY CRAP...I look 60??????